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The Significance of the New Moon

What is the significance of the New Moon?

The celebration of the different phases of the Lunar cycle goes back thousands of years. First Nations People, Priests and Priestesses all worked with Lunar cycles and the energy of the Moon.

At the start of the Lunar cycle or 'New Moon’ the Moon is directly between the Earth and the Sun, meaning it is invisible to us. This ‘invisible' quality is helping us to connect to what is currently unseen in our physical world to help us to bring it forth throughout the coming Lunar cycle to a completion at the full moon. This makes the New Moon a perfect time for introspection and going within to connect to the inner voice or to spirit.

As we become more attuned to the lunar cycle we can use the New Moon as a ‘check in’ point with our personal goals and aspirations each month. We can reflect on what is working and what is changing in direction or energy. Perhaps something you had clarity with a month ago is no longer resonating with you. Connecting in with the New Moon each month can give you a point of accountability.

Each New Moon will be in a different house of the Zodiac, this will shift the energy of each New Moon to help us to align to the different qualities of the new house. For example, the upcoming New Moon in Virgo is asking us to look at our rituals and habits. Whereas the most recent New Moon in Cancer was supporting us in the clearing of our emotions and connecting us with the energy of the Goddess.

Having a New Moon ritual does not need to be complicated. It can be as basic as noting the New Moon on your calendar so that you start to connect with the lunar cycle.

Ideas for a New Moon ritual

- Take some time for yourself today, it only needs to be 5-10 minutes. Listen to a meditation or some beautiful music, slow your breathing down and feel yourself connecting to your heart.

- Reflect on the month gone by, perhaps note 2 things that were highlights in the previous cycle and 2 things you’d like to change.

- After some time of stillness, feel into what you’d like to manifest in the coming month/months and write this down. You could place this list in a place where you’ll see it every day to help you to keep reconnecting to your intentions.

- Lighting a candle and/or creating an altar space to place your intentions can be an effective way to help elevate these intentions.

- Give thanks to the Moon and the Lunar cycle for her unveiling wisdom.

Every month I run a Free Chant with Me - New Moon Session where you’ll be able to join with an amazing group of like-minded people to connect with the energy of the New Moon in meditation and chant.

Find out more Here.

Alexandra x

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